Human rights violations in Ukraine : EU sanctions six individuals under Global Sanctions Regime


Human rights violations in Ukraine : EU sanctions six individuals under Global Sanctions Regime


The EU Council decided today to impose restrictive measures on six individuals responsible for serious human rights violations in the Russian Federation and in the territories of Ukraine that Russia has temporarily occupied, including violations of freedom of opinion and expression.

Those designated are subject to an asset freeze and EU citizens and companies are forbidden from making funds available to them. Natural persons are additionally subject to a travel ban, which prevents them from entering or transiting through EU territories.

The following individuals are added to the list of natural persons, set out in section A (‘Natural persons’) in Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2020/1998:

  1. Elena Victorovna PODOLNAYA
  2. Denis Vladimirovich KOROVIN
  3. Dliaver Memetovich BERBEROV
  4. Vitaliy Olegovich VLASOV
  5. Viktor Viktorovich KRAPKO
  6. Anastasia Ivanovna SUPRYAGA



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