The ICPAC Advisory Services Committee invites you to participate in a questionnaire relating to the advisory services, to better understand the needs and plan its activities accordingly and to adjust upcoming seminars and references to those needs.
First Name:
Last Name:
1. Industry
2. Annual revenue for organisation (consolidated)
3. Number of employees (at group level, if applicable)
4. Are you a practicing member?
5. Have you received in your current position, in the last 3 years?
6. Are being offered in Cyprus (other than the above) that you are aware of?
7. Are not currently being offered in Cyprus (as far as you are aware) and which would be of interest to you and / or would be relevant for your work / industry?
8. Would you be interested to know more about?
9. What are the three main tasks that you perform / monitor on a daily basis?
10. What are the three main challenges facing your Company (or your industry in general) for which you foresee the need for requesting external advice in the next 1-2 years?
11. How would you like to hear from us?