Sending customer certificate requests to Hellenic Bank via e-mail by members of ICPAC



Sending customer certificate requests to Hellenic Bank via e-mail by members of ICPAC

We would like to inform our members that Hellenic Bank Public Company Ltd ( the ‘‘Bank’’) from now on will accept sending customer certificate requests via e-mail to ICPAC members. This measure is directly related to the pandemic but will remain in force regardless of developments in this matter, until the Bank manages to automate the whole process or inform us otherwise.

It is clarified that requests for new permanent customer authorizations for auditors will be registered only with original orders. For this reason, the Bank suggests that the request is initially sent via e-mail together with the authorization to proceed with processing and then the new permanent authorization is sent via post.

As it concerns the completed certificates, if you wish they could be sent by the Bank via e-mail and then mailed. This will be settled in the near future by sending the electronically signed certificates electronically.

The emails to which you can send your requests are the following:

• For individuals and for this - employees at

• For legal entities

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