Webinar 2/2020 - Leading and managing teams in a VUCA world



Webinar No:

2/ 2020


Leading and managing teams in a VUCA world



Date & venue:


Seminar time

18 June 2020



Dimitris Tolis, Senior Trainer & Executive Coach Human Asset


Leading in a VUCA world, that is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous, presents a challenging environment. Leaders now must, operate, inspire and make the company’s strategies work in practice, having their teams aligned, adaptable and productive, despite all the difficulties of the current and near-future challenges related to COVID-19. Today’s leaders must lead with their mind and heart, demonstrating effective and adaptable leadership skills, together with building trust and developing their people and teams, based on Growth Mindset.


The program is a practical and interactive online workshop, with many practical examples and cases, using a web conference technology.

Who should attend:

The webinar is addressed to team leaders (supervisors, managers and partners)

Participation fee:

Members /Affiliates / Students: €50 (including VAT)

Non-members: €80 (including VAT)

CPD units:

The webinar corresponds to 4 cpd units for full attendance.

Registration process:

For more information and Registration for the webinar please visit the website of the Institute / seminars. A following email will be circulated upon registration attaching the link to be used to access the webinar.

Register promptly to secure a place at the seminar as the number of available seats is limited to 25 participants.












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