Seminar 17/2019: Sanctions seminar

Cleopatra Hotel, Λευκωσία

ICPAC, in cooperation with ICA and Globaltraining, invite you to the following seminar which is at the heart of the current developments in the financial services sector.


Seminar No:

17/ 2019


Sanctions seminar



Date & venue:


Seminar time



5 June 2019

09:30 – 11:30


(registration with
coffee at 9am)

Cleopatra Hotel



Ruth Hutchinson
Head of Financial Crime Compliance of the International Compliance Association
Trainer’s bio:


Understanding sanctions remains a complex topic and it is crucial to identify and manage the associated risk exposure for the development of a well-rounded strategy in combatting financial crime. The latest sanctions challenges, best practices, sanctions controls (such as sanctions screening, managing alerts and sanctions evasion typologies) and case studies will be mentioned to understand the risks sanctions present to firms and the frameworks used to manage these risks.

Who should attend:


The seminar is addressed to all ICPAC members, affiliates and students wherever they may work. it is mostly relevant to practitioners, compliance and AML staff,  Compliance and Risk Managers, External Auditors, Internal Auditors, Accountants, Directors, and anyone who works in the financial services and banking sectors.

Participation fee:

Members /Affiliates / Students: FREE OF CHARGE

CPD units:

The seminar corresponds to 2 cpd units for full attendance.

Registration process:

For more information and Registration for the seminar please visit the website of the Institute seminars

Register promptly to secure a place at the seminar, as the number of available seats is limited.


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